Hi! I am a 2nd year PhD student at the Dyson Robotics Lab supervised by Andrew J. Davison.
I am intetretsted in scence represenation and understanding for downstream robotic manipulation.
In 2021, I completed my MEng in Mechatronics and Robotics at The University of Sheffiled, during which I worked on Long-term Outdoor
Mapping for my master’s dissertation. During my time at university and previously during high school I have been very active in competitive
robotics, participating in competitions such as MATE ROV and RoboCup.
I'm interested in robotics, computer vision and machine learning. Particularly the intersection between them to enable autnoumous manipulation via visuomotor control in the real-world.
EscherNet is a multi-view conditioned diffusion model for view synthesis.
EscherNet learns implicit and generative 3D representations coupled with the camera positional encoding
(CaPE), allowing continuous relative camera control between an arbitrary number of reference and target views.
We present vMAP, an object-level real-time mapping system, with each object represented by a separate MLP neural field model,
and object models are optimised in parallel via vectorised training.